Saturday, January 29, 2011

The switch.

Well here it is…my new camera


(via Instagram)

It’s so beautiful, i just want to look at it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Selling all my crap and the switch to Canon

There are certain times of the year when I collect up all my items around the house that are surplus to requirements. I clean them, craft an accurate description of them, post them up on trade , watch the vultures circle for a bit And then greet the lovely people as they come to pick the items up.

This week it was my camera and all my lenses.

Don't freak out, I still am who I am but I made a decision. I decided to make the switch to Canon.

I keep getting questioned as to why - I don't really want to answer that in depth here except to say that it's a personal choice and has to do with reaching goals and the path I want to take.

I have to say it's quite unnerving selling some of my gear, they're my babies after all. But I'm so ready for the switch.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

FAQ: for beginners

People are always asking me how they can learn to be a better photographer when they don't know much about their camera and nothing about photography in general - usually they just want to take better photos of their children, better landscapes or just better photos in general - not everyone wants to be a pro.

Im not the best photographer in the world but everyone has started somewhere so my advice is to read a lot but most importantly actually go out and take some photos - if you take one photo every six months you'll never get better because when you have finally learned something it will be forgotten the next time you go to pick up your camera.

I learned slightly differently to most, my grandmother was a photographer and her father before that. I grew up looking at photography equipment and learning the techniques behind it. I did photography at high school and absolutely immersed myself in it. When I went to university however my camera was set aside for books and computers and I didn't pick it up was a lost friend that had gone on an OE, when it returned it was slightly different, the game had changed so I had to reacquaint myself.

There are a number of great and free places on the web where beginners can go to learn, I have been to each of the places below many times and picked up heaps of great tips!

Digital photography school - lots of great tips here from tips and tutorials to information on equipment to post production techniques.

Flickr - lots of people think flickr is just a place to upload and share photos, but it is much more than that. There are thousands of groups that cover everything you can think of when it comes to photography from Photoshop support to support groups for your particular camera or lenses and there's lots of knowledgable people ton help you out.

YouTube - really quite self explanatory, my only advice here is learn to weed out the good videos from the bad.

I think these are plenty to begin with, more to come later on!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh yeah, 2011 yeah!

Well, 2010 was an interesting year; I made some life changing decisions and really grew as a person. I rediscovered my love for photography which had somehow got buried under piles and piles of life and work and study. I made many, many new friends who I have the upmost respect and admiration for and towards the end of 2010 everything was starting to look up. I greet 2011 with excitement and I look forward to see what it will bring and all the amazing people I will get to meet.

At the moment I'm just enjoying summer, here's a list of my fave summer things;

  • Going to the beach all day

  • Having relaxation time over the holidays

  • Shooting in the most amazing golden light

  • Soy Icecream

the things that suck,

  • Sunburn!

  • Sand all through the car

  • days when it's too hot to do anything

  • Melted Soy Icecream

Happy 2011 xx

Monday, November 22, 2010

Erin and Nick | Engaged | Auckland Engagement Photographer

I had the pleasure of photographing Erin and Nick. They’re engaged, and adorable. We had a fantastic time at the Auckland Domain. Did I say they’re adorable?

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

An Amanda Weekend

I’ve totally had a ‘me’ weekend, went to the beauty therapist for some papering, went to Milly’s Kitchen to get some cupcake decorating supplies, purchased treats from the supermarket, spent some time with my camera. Bliss.

Yesterday, I made friends with a stranger at a parking meter – apparently I’m too friendly like that. I never stay in contact with people that I meet like that, they’re just the people that you meet briefly in a moment in your life and they pass you by – just like the moments, the minutes, the hours and so on. I guess that’s why I really love photography, an opportunity to capture a moment so you can keep it in a box or in a little space of your own. forever.

Today, my little dog Portia went to the groomers. They gave us back a new version of the same dog.
